A seven-segment display, or seven-segment indicator, is a form of electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays.
Seven-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, basic calculators, and other electronic devices that display numerical information
7 segment display is found in LED and LCD numerical displays, where any decimal digit is made up of 7 segments arranged figure 8, with an extra LED or LCD dot that can be used as a decimal point. Each Segment of a Seven Segment Display is represented by letter A to G. The Display of any any number depends on the combination of two or more segments.THE 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY CODEThe Seven Segment Display code is form by a series of ON and OFF of the seven segment. For example, to form figure 1, segment B and C will be ON and the remaining segments will be OFF.The Table below show the decimal digit and the corresponding seven segment code.
The aim of this circuit is to demonstrate how the seven segment display displays the number figures from decimal number one to nine and back to zero.
This animated GIF shows the seven segment display and a table showing the corresponding seven segment display code as indicated in the table above. Each rows shows A to G representing each segment as labeled on the display, and bit 0 or 1 to show the ON or OFF state of each segment of the display.
There are two types of seven segment display based on they mode of connection.
There is common Anode and common Cathode. Anode is equivalent to +ve pole and Cathode is equivalent to -ve pole.
The diagram above reveal what is inside each segment of the display device. It is actually Light Emitting Diode called LED, the one normally found in touch lights. It has two terminal, a longer one called Anode and the shorter one called cathode. Anode is connected to the positive pole of the battery and cathode to the negative pole of the battery. When connecting each LED, it is either you connect each Anode to different switch and the cathodes to a common point direct to the negative pole called ground (Common Cathode), or connect the cathode of each LED to different switch and then to the ground, then all the Anode to a common point to the positive pole of the battery ( Common Anode).
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